I am an experienced TMT lawyer, with in-depth knowledge of the technology, film, and energy sectors.


I regularly assist our private and public sector clients with large-scale information technology master services agreements and associated statements of work for core systems replacement projects, SaaS subscription agreements, and support service agreements. AI is a practice area that I also work in.

In addition to my technology experience, I help clients negotiate a wide range of procurement processes and customer and supplier agreements, particularly in the downstream energy sector, with MinterEllisonRuddWatts’ longstanding client Z Energy. As I support Z Energy’s and Ampol’s integrated Energy Solutions team, I also have expertise in commercial contracts relating to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, electricity, and other low carbon products and services.

With niche experience in the film and media sector, I also act for the New Zealand Film Commission on its funding of New Zealand films. I negotiate film financing documents with producers, distributors and sales agents, film financiers, and international film related government agencies.


Degrees: LLB (Hons IM) / BCom (Economics)
Admission to High Court: 2003


BNZ Place Level 5/1 Whitmore Street, City Centre, Wellington 6011

Email: Kate.Cruishank@MinterEllison.co.nz
Phone: +64 4 498 5158
Mobile: +64 27 55 88 918

Areas of practice

Commercial, Consumer and marketing, Energy, Entertainment, Information and data, Privacy, Procurement, Start-ups, Technology and media 

Languages spoken
